
MyMomentum is a wellness and mindfulness app. It helps its users by giving them daily, bite-sized challenges that can help promote a more mindful life. It is also a community that has events online and offline.



The sprint lasted a total of 2.5 weeks

My Role

UX research, design and testing.

My Team

This project was in collaboration with two other UX Designers, Sharhbanoo Moaven & Maria Hussain




MyMomentum’s main problem is user retention.

They get a lot of new users due to cross-promotions and events that they host. However, their users tend to lose interest and drop the app after about a month of use.

Their secondary problem is point redemption.

MyMomentum users gain points for each daily challenge that they complete. The big problem is that most people who routinely use the app to complete daily challenges do not redeem their points for anything.



Business Goals

  • Increase user retention.

  • Daily Usage.

  • Partner with local business for better rewards and events.

Project Goals

  • Track health & wellness and earn rewards

  • Be part of a community

  • Take part in events and discover oneself

Research & Planning Methods

Key Findings


From our survey and interviews we found that our users:

  • Like to challenge themselves on a daily basis.

  • Connect & be part of a Community.

  • Challenges & Events are the most important.

  • They like the idea of building a streaks and tracking achievements.

  • They want more offline challenges.

  • Users don’t find the app very engaging.

  • Redeeming points for rewards is the least important aspect of the app for users.

  • Users found it hard to look through rewards because there was no search engine.

Design & User Testing

Design Features



Before our redesign, MyMomentum did not have an onboarding flow. This meant that its users were on their own from the moment they signed up for the app. We decided to incorporate one so that new users would know how the application worked and have an idea as to what the incentives were to use it.



The landing screen was originally the challenge section of the app. We decided to incorporate a dashboard that had the three main aspects of the app, along with short descriptions of what that meant. We also added a notification section on the dashboard where users could easily keep track of upcoming events that they had signed up for.


Streaks and Badges

One of MyMomentum’s issues is maintaining its user base. They tend to use it for a few days, and then they lose motivation to use it daily. To encourage daily usage, we decided to integrate badges and streaks. To maintain your streak, the user has to open the app and complete the daily challenge. While badges are earned by doing things like inviting a friend to an event, joining the Facebook community, or even following MyMomentum on Instagram.


Taking Care of your Tree

We decided to integrate a visual component for growth. When you complete a challenge, you will get a prompt to take care of your tree. This tree starts as just a pot, you then plant the seed once you complete your first challenge. Every challenge after that will give you options on how to take care of it that day. You can water it, add fertilizer or expose it to the sun. The more challenges you complete the more it grows.


Reward Sorting and Search

Before our redesign, MyMomentum did not have a search or sorting function for their rewards, which made it difficult for users to browse. Through our research, we also found that users had a hard time distinguishing which rewards they had previously redeemed points for.

To help fix these problems, we added search and sorting functionalities. We also decided to gray out any rewards that users had previously redeemed points for, showing that they can’t use them again.


Closing Thoughts

This project began just as quarantine started here in BC and it was the first time I had ever worked remotely with a team. Doing everything digitally was somewhat challenging at first, but we got accustomed to it after a short time. Tools like Google Hangouts, Miro and Whimsical were extremely helpful in making the experience seamless.


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