Women in Web Dev
Women in Web Dev is an active, well-rounded, and consistent online community that women of any experience and identity can connect with and draw resources from. Through Women in Web Dev women can form real human connections with other women all over the world.
The sprint lasted a total of 3 weeks. 2 were UX focused and the final week was UI Design focused
My Role
UX research, design and testing.
My Team
This project was in collaboration with two other UX Designers, Maja Ivic & Jisu Choi and two UI Designers Rob Morton & Isabella Adair
A website redesign for womeninwebdev.com. Freshening up the look and feel of the website while also enhancing the user experience.
Business Goals
Grow Women in Web Dev, so it becomes one of the leading communities for female developers.
Increasing the number of newsletter subscribers, which in turn would help get more sponsor job posts.
Increase in revenue.
Project Goals
Re-designing the Women in Web Dev, so it’s more user-friendly.
Improve search functionalities.
Strengthen the Women in Web Dev platform to help female developers connect with other women in their field. Creating bonds and connections
Research & Planning Methods
Key Findings
For our survey and our user interviews, we decided to target both aspiring developers and women who were already in developer roles.
The vast majority of them, at 60.7%, are in the age range of 25–34.
Most of them work full time or are freelancers. 42.9% and 21.4% respectively.
They got into development due to personal interest & job opportunities.
Most of them, 35.7%, went to bootcamps to learn to code.
While learning, the majority did not have a mentor.
Aspiring Developers
There was an almost even amount of women in the 25–34 age range (42.9%) and the 35–44 age range (35.7%).
42.9% of them are learning through online courses
35.7% of them are learning through a bootcamp
The majority of them decided to go into development due to job opportunities & personal interest
The biggest difference that we found between our two subsets was that women who are already developers have an easier time finding other women in development jobs while women who are aspiring to become developers struggle to find other women in developer roles.
User Interviews Quotes
“I definitely could have used a group like this when I was about to graduate university. By the time I was a senior I was one of 3 women in most classes.”
“The online bootcamp I’m working through is about 80% male. I get so excited when I see other women in the slack channel!”
Hi-Fidelity Mockup Walkthrough
Below you can view walkthroughs for both the mobile and desktop designs.